Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Link-Hunt Blog

Toy Story 3 is Sexist?
July 7, 2010
Danielle Bean
National Catholic Register
The New Leader of the Feminist Movement
November 17, 2008
SBM (Single Black Male)
Make-up and Make-overs Make Girls
November 9, 2009
Caroline Li
We Love Media Criticism
Sexism and the Double Bass
July 2, 2010
Rachel P.
Women of 'The Daily Show': Jon Stewart isn't Sexist
July 7, 2010
Mark Marino


  1. Jon, the blog posts you selected are all very interesting and really made me think about the kind of messages that movies, television shows, and music are sending to the public about sexism, gender roles, and the importance of physical beauty. I also chose a post about 'Toy Story 3' and found it interesting that the characters' appearances and personalities reflect the sexist beliefs within our society. I never realized how common this is in the shows and movies we watch, especially animated ones. Great job!!

  2. Jon-
    Awesome job finding some great blog posts that relate to the course!
    Jessie :o)
